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Special education consultation and advocacy services


Whether navigating the special education process for the very first time or changes occurring in your child’s special education plan, understanding the whole educational process is critical in making sure that you and your child's school are able to support all of your child's needs.


The main goal of special education consultation is to empower parents to be able to confidently advocate for their children’s educational needs. Gaining the knowledge of what to expect at each and every meeting, as well as understanding the right questions to ask, allows for a collaborative process that will be beneficial for your child’s education.


Clear communication between the district and parent is often key to a successful education plan. School staff often use obscure acronyms or educational jargon that can be confusing for families. Our goal is to clear up the confusion surrounding special education, provide clarity to the questions you just can’t get a straight answer to, and empower you to feel confident in the decisions surrounding your child’s education.


Consultation services

Initial consultation

Sit down with a school psychologist to discuss your child, educational history, educational needs, and current concerns. This is the best time to discuss the full gamut of the special education process, as well as services all students are entitled to, even without being identified as needing special education.

Records review

If applicable, a review of all educational records and communication between yourself and your child’s school district can occur. This may include formal documentation such as evaluation team reports, individualized educational plans, functional behavior analysis, behavior plans, response to intervention data, etc.

Follow up and general consultation

Gain a better understanding of what your child’s school is trying to communicate and accomplish. Work through different scenarios and situations to come up with “next steps” that you feel confident in due to a new found understanding of your child’s unique needs and situation. Learn how best to advocate for your child’s needs and how to make sure that you become an integral part of the educational team ensuring services are provided appropriately.

School meetings

Our aim is to empower each and every parent to be able to work with the school system independently. However, we understand that some schools can be more difficult to work with than others. If wanted or required, a school psychologist from our office can be present during meetings with the school at any point during the special education process.


Available Consultative Service Topics

  • Response to Intervention (RtI)

    • May also be referred to as: Intervention team, MTSS, Tiered support, etc.

  •  504 plans

  • Evaluation Team Reports (ETR/PR-06)

  • Individualized Education Plans (IEP/PR-07)

  • Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA)

  • Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

  • Manifestation Determinations (MD/PR-03)




Next Steps

If you are interested in scheduling a consultation service with a school psychologist through our office, please call 614-792-9104. Upon intake, we will work with you to create an individualized plan that supports you and your child’s needs.



© 2019 by Robert L. Gordon, Ph.D.  |  Member, Dublin Chamber of Commerce

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